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Enrich protein list with internal interactions

Starting from a set of nodes, we can get an initial network by selecting all the interactions between these nodes. In the following example we will create this network by selecting links from the IntAct database. We will save the results to a new table.

Please note, by the nature of this query, the resulting network can contain multiple connected components. Also if there was an initial node fits to no links in the IntAct database, we will loose the node from the resulting network (as we represent the network with a link list).

CREATE TABLE project.mate_my_new_ppi_table WITH (
   format = 'ORC',
) AS

SELECT intact.interactor_a_id, 
FROM master.intact_2018_10_04 intact
WHERE intact.interactor_a_id IN ('ensg11867234247', 'ensg11867234247', 'ensg23829324243') 
  AND intact.interactor_b_id IN ('ensg11867234247', 'ensg11867234247', 'ensg23829324243');

Enrich protein list with internal interactions AND first neighbours

If you simply change the AND to and OR in the query of the previous example, you will get not only the interconnections, but also the first neighbours.

CREATE TABLE project.mate_my_new_ppi_table WITH (
   format = 'ORC',
) AS

SELECT intact.interactor_a_id, 
FROM master.intact_2018_10_04 intact
WHERE intact.interactor_a_id IN ('ensg11867234247', 'ensg11867234247', 'ensg23829324243') 
   OR intact.interactor_b_id IN ('ensg11867234247', 'ensg11867234247', 'ensg23829324243');

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