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Query Intact protein interactions and mapping them to uniprot IDs
This query will select 10 interaction from the intact
table, then converts them to uniprot, using the
table. If you need more than 10 interactions, then of course you can add your own
filtering criteria and delete LIMIT 10
Please note, the ID mapping is not necessarily unambiguous. If there is no uniprot mapping, or there are more than one uniprot mapping for the given protein, then it can skip or return with multiple uniprot interactions for a single original interaction defined in the Intact database.
SELECT mapper_a.to_id AS uniprot_a,
mapper_b.to_id AS uniprot_b
FROM master.intact_2018_10_04 intact
LEFT JOIN master.uniprot_id_mapping_2018_09 mapper_a ON
intact.interactor_a_tax_id = mapper_a.tax_id AND
intact.interactor_a_id = mapper_a.from_id AND
intact.interactor_a_id_type = mapper_a.from_id_type
LEFT JOIN master.uniprot_id_mapping_2018_09 mapper_b ON
intact.interactor_b_tax_id = mapper_b.tax_id AND
intact.interactor_b_id = mapper_b.from_id AND
intact.interactor_b_id_type = mapper_b.from_id_type
WHERE mapper_a.to_id_type = "uniprot" AND mapper_b.to_id_type = "uniprot"
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